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Puking is the name of an extinct profession. Kotzen makers wove the so-called Kotze (Old High German: chozzo, chozza ) in Austria and the or the puke (shaggy woolen stuff, a rough wool blanket or clothes thereof).

On February 23, 1496, the Viennese puke makers received a handicraft regulation according to which they had united in a colliery . This order regulated the piece wages of journeymen, the wages for processing the wool and for tearing the puke. Mayors and city councilors stipulated that the puke was allowed to be sold in certain places and that the puke must all be the same length and width. After the inspection, the goods were weighted (provided with lead seals).

The first written mention of this profession is not clear. In the Viennese city accounts from 1368 to 1403 there is an entry by a citizen "Ott. Choczenmacher bei Werdertor", published in a supplement to the "Archive for customer Austrian historical sources " from 1855. According to other interpretations of the word cherzenmacher (candle maker) or choczenmacher to be read; the next mention of puke makers appears again in the citizen lists from 1471.

Not only in Vienna, but also in Hungary , Transylvania and Bukovina were puke makers who made coarse, woolen blankets with red-white-green stripes for beds or horses.


  • "Kotzenmacher" In: Rudi Palla : Falkner, Köhler, Kupferstecher. A compendium of the lost professions. btb Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1997; P. 171. ISBN 3-442-72120-X .
  • Gerlinde Sanford: Dictionary of occupational titles from the seventeenth century. Collected from the Vienna Protocols of the Dead of 1648-1668 and a few other sources. Bern / Frankfurt am Main: Lang 1975 (Europäische Hochschulschriften. Series 1: Deutsche Sprache und Literatur, 136), p. 70

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Robert Sedlaczek: Dictionary of Viennese . Haymon Verlag, 2013, ISBN 978-3-7099-7650-0 ( google.de [accessed on July 4, 2018]).
  2. a b Kotzenmacher in the Vienna History Wiki of the City of Vienna
  3. ^ A b Association for the History of the City of Vienna: History of the City of Vienna . Adolf Holzhausen, 1905, p. 676 ( google.de [accessed on July 4, 2018]).
  4. notes sheet: Supplement to the archive for customer Austrian historical sources . KK Hof- und Staatsdruckerei, 1855, p. 351 ( google.de [accessed on July 5, 2018]).
  5. ^ Sheets of the Association for Regional Studies of Lower Austria . Friedrich Jasper, Vienna 1894, p. 207 ( archive.org [accessed July 5, 2018]).
  6. ^ Dictionary network - German dictionary by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm. Retrieved July 5, 2018 .
  7. ^ Theophil Friedrich Ehrmann: The latest country and ethnology, a geographic reading book for all classes: The latest geographic-statistical description of the empire of Austria . Publishing house d. Geogr. Inst., 1813, p. 189, 190 ( google.de [accessed on July 5, 2018]).