Curvature number

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The number of curvatures is a characteristic value of soil mechanics to describe the grading curve ( grading curve, grading curve) of a soil . It represents the curvature of the grading curve in the range between 10%, 30% and 60% sieve passage and thus provides information about the frequency distribution of the grain sizes .

The number of curvatures is defined as:


  • d x = grain size (diameter) at x% of the mass passage of the grading curve, d. H. x% of the mass of the soil have a smaller grain size and pass through a sieve with a mesh size  d x .

The percentiles are mass fractions .

Various properties of non-cohesive soils can be derived from the number of curvatures and the number of irregularities . a.

In the case of cohesive (fine-grained) soils, these parameters cannot be determined; instead, there are other classification features.

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Individual evidence

  1. 3.4 coefficient of irregularity Cu and number of curvatures Cc , in study documents geotechnical engineering of TU Darmstadt, XV laboratory and field tests , page 12 (PDF file; 1 MB; accessed on November 26, 2015).