Certified master for motor traffic

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The certified master for motor transport is a publicly recognized qualification at master’s level , which is awarded after successfully completing branch- related commercial-technical advancement training in accordance with the Vocational Training Act. The nationwide examination takes place on the basis of a special statutory ordinance before the examination board of a Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). The completion of the audited master for road transport is the specialist masters assigned.

Areas of work and tasks

Certified masters for motor traffic are responsible for the procurement and maintenance of the vehicle fleet. They monitor operations and ensure that the transport processes run professionally and efficiently. They create timetables and transfer driving orders to the drivers, control the driving and rest times of the drivers as well as compliance with safety and accident prevention regulations. In addition, foremen for motor traffic monitor the cost development and work performance of the fleet. They also ensure that the allocated budget is adhered to and / or prepare and evaluate the operating accounts. Last but not least, they manage employees, participate in personnel disposition and planning as well as the in-company training of trainees.

After the final exams were initially carried out in accordance with chamber law regulations, the first nationwide ordinance came into force on February 9, 2012 due to the high demand for this training. The ordinance on the examination for the recognized advanced training qualification for certified masters for motor transport applies with changed examination conditions and content.

Certified masters for motor transport have knowledge, skills and experience that they have generally acquired through relevant vocational training and professional experience and should enable them to achieve the following qualifications.

When participating (depending on the contract), he has a high level of responsibility in the planning and execution with regard to quality assurance in connection with compliance with the law and safe technology. The driving staff is often subordinate to him in connection with the control of social regulations, working hours and vacation planning, etc. An unconditional good cooperation with the personnel manager, dispatcher and the workshop foreman is necessary to ensure a smooth operation. The motor traffic master is responsible for the means of transport used, e.g. B. Trucks , buses or trams and their drivers are mainly solely responsible. On the one hand, he works as a stationary worker, e.g. B. in vehicle and personnel disposition , on the other hand in the central control center for operational monitoring.


However, mobile use can also be important for all unforeseen traffic problems, traffic obstructions , accidents and vehicle breakdowns. He will then take the necessary measures with an accident rescue vehicle on site, e.g. B. diversions, requests for replacement vehicles or a change of personnel. The importance of this function goes so far that in cities with track-guided public transport vehicles the emergency vehicles are equipped with blue lights.

Graduation and exam

Road traffic masters are recruited from experienced employees of the driving staff (e.g. long-term professional drivers , driving instructors ) of the freight and transport companies. Before taking on this function as a certified industrial foreman - specializing in motor transport, you often need a special long-term - around 1000 hours of instruction - and expensive advanced training with a subsequent examination e.g. B. in front of the IHK , which everyone has to undergo.

Basic qualifications

  • Law-conscious action
  • Business management
  • Applying methods of information, communication and planning
  • Cooperation in the company

Field-specific qualifications

  • Vehicle fleet technology and fleet management
  • Organization and communication
  • Management and staff (technical discussion & presentation)

The acquisition of professional and work pedagogical aptitude must be proven by a successfully passed examination according to the trainer suitability regulation or by another successfully passed comparable examination before a public or state-recognized educational institution or before a state examination board. Evidence of the examination must be provided before the start of the last examination.

Exam admission requirements

Admission to the examination in the "Basic qualifications" section is those who can prove the following:

  • a successfully passed final examination in one of the recognized training professions professional driver or specialist in the driving company or
  • a successfully passed final examination in another recognized occupation followed by at least one year of professional experience or
  • at least four years of professional experience.

Admission to the examination in the "Action-specific qualifications" section is those who can demonstrate the following:

  • taking the “Basic Qualifications” part of the examination no more than five years ago, and
  • one year of professional experience in addition to the aforementioned requirements.

Financial funding opportunities

Participants in advanced training courses can apply for benefits via the Advancement Training Assistance Act (“Meister-BAföG”) to fund the course and examination fees .

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