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The Kragalids ( Greek  Κραγαλίδαι / Kragalidai , sometimes also called Κραυγαλλίδαι / Kraugallidai ) were a Hellenic tribe in ancient Greece and probably related to the Dryopers .


The Kragalids settled in Kraugallion in the southern part of Phokis near the city of Kirrha and enjoyed great respect among their neighbors. To protect Delphi , they are said to have formed a covenant with the inhabitants of the kirrha and other tribes. On the other hand, there is the widespread story of their decline:

Because they had sinned against the sanctuary of Delphi together with the Church of the Church, the first holy war was declared at the behest of Apollo (according to an oracle of Pythia ) . The Thessalians won; Kirrhäer and Kragaliden were deprived of their property and they were in the future temple slaves of the sanctuary. Kirrha was destroyed and the trail of the Kragalids completely disappeared over time.

The contradiction can be explained by the fact that the Kragalids were originally members of the temple, but later quarreled with the heads of the sanctuary.


According to legend, Kragaleus is the namesake of the people. The order of the Pythian Apollon to destroy the Kragalids and to make them his and Artemis ' servants finds a counterpart in the story about Kragaleus: When he was asked by Apollo, Artemis and Heracles to settle their dispute over Ambrakia , he spoke he gave the city to Heracles - whereupon Apollo turned the arbiter into a rock.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Karl Otfried Müller : Prolegomena to a scientific mythology . Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, Göttingen 1825, p. 298f. ( Google Books ).
  2. W. Richter: Slavery in ancient Greece . Hirt, Breslau 1886, p. 34f. ( Google Books ).
  3. Peter Siewert : The oath of Plataiai . CH Beck, Munich 1972, ISBN 3-406-03099-8 , p. 69 ( Google Books ).