Peter Siewert

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Peter Siewert (born April 27, 1940 in Friedrichshafen on Lake Constance ) is an ancient historian and epigraphist and is currently a full professor emeritus for Greek history, antiquity and epigraphy at the University of Vienna .


After graduating from high school in 1959, Siewert studied Ancient and Medieval History, Classical Philology and, as a minor, Archeology in Munich, Thessaloniki / Greece, Tübingen and Cologne. He passed the scientific state examination for teaching at grammar schools in Latin , Greek and history in July 1970, in the same month he received his doctorate magna cum laude with the dissertation “The Oath of Plataiai” with Siegfried Lauffer . From July 1 to September 30, 1970, he worked for the Commission for Ancient History and Epigraphy of the German Archaeological Institute as a research assistant, then as a research assistant.

At the offer of Peter Robert Franke , on November 1, 1971, he succeeded the former assistant position in the Department of Ancient History at the University of Saarbrücken as a research assistant, where the events of proseminars for ancient history and the supervision of the specialist library are his main tasks counted. On May 29, 1973 he was appointed assistant professor and thus had to independently represent ancient history in research and teaching. In the following years his main task was to collect as many ancient testimonies, inscriptions and authors as possible on the subject of "Kerameikos", the northwestern urban and suburban area of ​​Athens. In the 1974/75 academic year, material recording was funded for ten months by the Trustees for Harvard University, as he was released from other tasks as a Junior Fellow of the Center for Hellenic Studies . His habilitation thesis “Die Trittyen Attikas und die Heeresreform des Kleisthenes”, which was submitted to the Saarland University and appeared as the dissertation in the series “Vestigia”, was based on this material. On January 9, 1980, he received the Venia legendi for ancient history.

In 1979, on the recommendation of the Faculty in the School of Historical Studies, he was appointed "Member of the Institute for Advanced Study" in Princeton / USA, which made a one-year research stay at this university possible. From 1980 to 1983 he received the Heisenberg grant from the German Research Foundation in Bonn to promote young scientists. In December 1982 he was appointed to succeed Ernst Kirsten as full professor for Greek history at the University of Vienna, and began his service in the 1983 summer semester. In the mid-eighties he was head of the Institute for Ancient History, Archeology and Epigraphy for a term. Siewert was a member of the (former) Commissions for Ancient Legal History and for Asia Minor Epigraphy of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and is a real member of the Austrian Archaeological Institute .

Teaching and teaching activities

Siewert held proseminars at Saarbrücken University; since the summer semester 1983 he has been teaching at the University of Vienna. His interests also include the didactics of ancient history, the importance of antiquity for the present, career opportunities for students and graduates of classical studies.

Methods / approach, main research areas

His focus is on Greek history (political history, history of ideas), political science and culture; Law, legislation as well as political thinking, political theory and historical theory of the Greeks, human rights in antiquity, federalism in antiquity, development of new, especially epigraphic sources, unpublished bronze certificates from Olympia, the edition of the ancient testimonies about the Athenian ostracism. The references to the present are also important. In research and teaching, he tends to take an analytical approach.


  • together with Hans Taeuber: "New inscriptions from Olympia." Vienna 2013, ISBN 978-3-902868-47-3 .
  • together with Claudia Ruggeri and Ilija Steffelbauer: "The ancient written documents about the Kerameikos of Athens." Vienna 2007, ISBN 978-3-85493-140-9

"Ostracism Testimonies." Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-515-07947-5 .

Furthermore, Peter Siewert was co-editor of the specialist magazine "Tyche"


  • Wolfgang Hameter, The Institute for Ancient History, Classical Antiquity and Epigraphy, in: Die Monatsscherbe VI / 1988, p. 10ff.
  • Well Prof !, professor analysis of the history group from SS 1996, Vienna o. JS 15f.
  • Yearbook of the University of Vienna 1982/83, 122ff. thereafter the yearbook was discontinued

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