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The Dryoper ( ancient Greek Δρύοπες , Drýopes ) were a Hellenic tribe in ancient Greece . Some sources call them Pelasgians   or suspect a descent from the Illyrians  .

Geography and history

The Dryoper are said to have conquered all of Epeiros even before the Corinthian settlement of Ambrakia . They had their main residence in the Oite Mountains near Trachis . They were notorious as a predatory people and not only harassed the Dorians , but also spread far to the south and east in the course of time. As occupiers of Malian territories, they temporarily exercised their voting rights in the Delphic Amphictyony .

In addition to the Parnassus and the Spercheios Valley, Euboia is mentioned as a settlement area. In the Peloponnese , the Dryoper Argolis Asine founded ; the Argolic Asinaeans, for their part, later founded Asine , located in the southwest of the peninsula, under the protection of Sparta . About the island of Kythnos the Dryopes sailed to Cyprus ; in Asia Minor they settled in the region of Kyzikos and Abydos .


In the legends, Dryops  , father of Dryope , is the eponym of the people. Heracles is said to be responsible for the expulsion of the Dryoper from their ancestral home : he killed their king Phylas . The hero then had to flee and was later accepted by Eurystheus .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Paul Weizsäcker : Dryops 1 . In: Wilhelm Heinrich Roscher (Hrsg.): Detailed lexicon of Greek and Roman mythology . Volume 1.1, Leipzig 1886, column 1204 f. ( Digitized version ).
  2. ^ Meyers Konversations-Lexikon: Dryoper . Leipzig / Vienna, 1885–1892, volume 5, page 170 ( web link )
  3. Jakob Escher-Bürkli : Dryops 1. In: Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswwissenschaft (RE). Volume V, 2, Stuttgart 1905, Col. 1749 f.