Krainer peasant stick

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Crate of the Krainer Bauernstock with removable bottom and end boards (drawing from the monograph Complete Doctrine of Beekeeping )
Painted front board on the front of a Krainer peasant stick
Apiary with Krainer farm sticks

The Carniolan farmer's hive , a beehive , is a form of horizontal hive that was developed by the Theresian master beekeeper Anton Janša from the beehives that predominated in the Slovenian-speaking area .

The main feature of this flat box is its removable front board. The floor board can also be removed in order to carry out a precise public inspection. The dimensions originally fluctuated depending on the region and mode of operation . Years later, the dimensions were standardized to 70 × 30 × 15 cm.

The great advantage of the boxes was their easy portability for hikes and stackability for extensions. However, the tightness of the boxes adversely affected the quantity of honey production . The beekeeper Ludwig Armbruster also referred to the Krainer peasant stick as the tunnel stick .

The tradition that developed in the Slovene-speaking area of ​​painting the removable front board was remarkable (see bees board ).
