Krasnaya now

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Krasnaja now (Красная новь, Russian for: Red Neuland ) was a Soviet literary magazine that was related to the literary group of the Poputschiki ( companions ) . It appeared in Moscow from 1921, initially every two months, later monthly. The first editor in chief was Alexander Voronsky , the prominent authors such as Alexander Arosev , Isaac Babel , Fyodor Gladkov , Maxim Gorky , Vsevolod Ivanov , Sergei Yesenin , Vasily Kazin , Leonid Leonov , Mikhail Prishvin , Lidija Seifullina , Alexei Tolstoy and Wikenti Veresayev heranzog to cooperate. Critical and literary theoretical works were also published in Krasnaya now , e. B. by Wladimir Fritsche and Anatoli Lunacharsky .

Conflicts over ideological and aesthetic issues arose between Voronsky and the authors of the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (RAPP), whereupon Voronsky was relieved of his function in 1927 with the accusation of Trotskyism . In the 1930s the magazine published z. B. Texts by Alexander Afinogenow , Arkadi Gaidar , Iwan Kassatkin , Valentin Katajew , Anton Makarenko and Andrei Platonow .

In the first year Krasnaya now reached a circulation of 15,000 copies, in the last year it was up to 45,000. The last issue of the magazine appeared in 1942.



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