Kristina Boehm

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Kristina Böhm (* 1959 in Berlin ) is a German actress , singer and writer .

The daughter of the actor Karlheinz Böhm and his second wife Gudula Blau first learned the profession of hotel clerk , later became an actress and played in the series Ein Heim für Tiere , Der Bergdoktor and Love Stories , among others . She was also active as a singer; At the Grand Prix of Folk Music in 1996 she reached 14th place.

Kristina Böhm was married to the Swiss entrepreneur Peter Rothen. The marriage produced three daughters. Rothen died in 2004 at the age of 54. Böhm described the story of their marriage in the 2013 novel I would marry you again.

After the death of her husband, Kristina Rothen-Böhm did not take up the acting profession again. Since then she has been working as an office worker. She is currently working at the Federal Office for Civil Aviation .

Kristina Rothen-Böhm lives in Ostermundigen near Bern. She is committed to the Ethiopia Aid “ People for People ”, founded by her father, and volunteers for the “Grace P. Kelly Association for the Support of Children with Cancer and Their Families” founded by Petra Kelly in 1973 . She writes songs and children's books. Together with her daughters, she writes and stages plays that she rehearses with young people and performs for people in need.

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