Critical Mach number

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Two different quantities are referred to as the critical Mach number .

Critical Mach number in aviation

On the one hand, the critical Mach number  Ma krit is a term used in aviation . It is to those flight Mach number , in which at a certain point of the aircraft occur for the first time sonic conditions ( sonically denotes the transition from subsonic to supersonic flow , so Mach number = 1). Since the flow velocity at the top of the wing profile is higher than the airspeed , areas with supersonic flow usually occur first at the top of the wing .

In simple terms, even if the aircraft itself is flying at less than the speed of sound , currents at the speed of sound can already occur at individual points in the flow around the aircraft. This airspeed is expressed by the critical Mach number .

With increasing Mach number, the locally sonic area develops into a supersonic area, which is closed with a straight shock wave ; this occurs when the flow crosses from the supersonic to the subsonic range. By exceeding the critical Mach number and the associated emergence of a straight shock wave there may be a separation of the boundary layer are behind the shock wave, the Shock stable (see Coffin Corner ).

The critical Mach number Ma crit depends on the angle of attack , the wing sweep and the profile thickness .

Critical Mach number, Laval number

The critical Mach number or Laval number  M * is also a similarity index in which the flow velocity  u is related to the critical sound velocity c * .

The simple Mach number  Ma is the ratio of the local flow velocity  u to the local speed of sound  c , which is determined by the local temperature  T :


In contrast, the critical Mach number  M * is the ratio of the local flow velocity  u to the critical sound velocity  c * , which is present where the flow velocity is the same as the sound velocity. The critical temperature T * prevails there  , which is in a fixed ratio to the rest temperature  T t :