Crown offices of the Kingdom of Bavaria

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The crown of the Kingdom of Bavaria in the treasury of the Munich residence , on the left the imperial orb, on the right the queen's crown , behind it the king's sword

The Crown Offices of the Kingdom of Bavaria were the highest dignities of the Kingdom of Bavaria from 1806 to 1918 .

The Bavarian constitution of 1808 wrote in § 10 of the second part, the creation of the four Kronämter before: the Kronobersthofmeisteramt that Kronoberstkämmereramt that Kronoberstmarschallamt and Kronoberstpostmeisteramt . It endowed the Crown Offices with the right to take part in the meetings of the secret council. In addition, in the absence of an adult agnate, the first crown official of the Reich should take over the administration of the Reich .

With the Supreme Ordinance of July 28, 1808, King Maximilian I Joseph designed the crown offices. You should as a fief be awarded either the life or as a hereditary fiefdom and rank immediately after the heads of state and ministers conference. Her politically relevant rights included access to the royal family council and the secret council . According to Title V, § 1 of the Bavarian Constitution of 1818 , the crown officials also became members of the first chamber in the assembly of estates .

In addition, they had a number of honorary privileges: they each kept a part of the imperial insignia (crown: Kronobersthofmeister, scepter: Kronoberstkämmerer, sword: Kronoberstmarschall, Reichsapfel: Kronoberstpostmeister) and had to perform protocol honorary services (Kronobersthofmeister: supreme police at ceremonies, crown colonel) Introduction of solemn deputations to the King, Crown Marshal: delivery of royal instructions on public ceremonies, Crown Postmaster: Supervision of solemn trains and exits). They were each supported by the highest court officials and represented in their absence.


Prince Ludwig of Oettingen-Wallerstein, Crown Court Master 1808–1849

Only the postmaster's office was given to the Thurn und Taxis family as a hereditary fief . The other crown offices were always vacant for a long time.

Crown Chief Steward

Crown Chamberlain

Prince Maximilian Karl von Thurn und Taxis, Crown Postmaster 1827–1871

Crown Marshal

Crown postmaster