Krzysztof Boruń

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Krzysztof Boruń (born November 23, 1923 in Częstochowa ; died May 22, 2000 in Warsaw ) was a Polish physicist, science journalist, and science fiction author.


Besides his work as a journalist Borun began in the 1950s science-fiction publishing, starting with a trilogy of novels that he and Andrzej Trepka wrote and the first as from 1953 serial novel appeared.

His works have been translated into several Eastern European languages, including Russian, Ukrainian, and Slovenian. Two of his short stories appeared as German translations in the anthology Galaxisspatzen (GDR, 1975) edited by Johannes Jankowiak , and three others in various anthologies. In the 1980s, Boruń, initially an atheist and later an agnostic , published a number of books on parapsychology and other inexplicable phenomena.

Boruń was a member of the Polskiego Towarzystwa Astronautycznego (Polish Astronautical Society) and the Polskiego Towarzystwa Cybernetycznego (Polish Cybernetical Society).


  • with Andrzej Trepka : Zagubiona przyszłość (1954)
  • with Andrzej Trepka: Proxima (1956).
  • with Andrzej Trepka: Kosmiczni bracia (1959)
  • Próg nieśmiertelności (1975)
  • Ósmy krąg piekieł (1978)
  • Małe Zielone Ludziki I (1985)
  • Małe Zielone Ludziki II (1985)
  • Jasnowidzenia inżyniera Szarka (1990)
Short story collections
  • Antyświat i inne opowiadania fantastyczno-naukowe (1960)
  • Toccata (1980).
  • Człowiek z mgły (1986).
Translated short stories
  • Cogito ergo sum (1969)
  • Algi (1978)
    • English: The algae. Translated by Hanna Rottensteiner. In: Wolfgang Jeschke (Ed.): Heyne Science Fiction Annual Volume 1996. Heyne SF&F # 5398. Heyne, 1996, ISBN 3-453-09459-X .
  • Toccata (1978)
    • German: Toccata. Translated by Hanna Rottensteiner. In: Wolfgang Jeschke (Ed.): L as in Liquidator. Heyne SF&F # 4410. Heyne, 1987, ISBN 3-453-00419-1 .
  • Księżyc zdobyty (1956)
  • Mały słownik cybernetyczny (Dictionary of Cybernetics , 1973)
  • with Stefan Manczarski: Tajemnice parapsychologii (Parapsychologie, 1982)
  • with Katarzyna Boruń-Jagodzińska: Ossowiecki - zagadki jasnowidzenia (1990)
  • W świecie zjaw i mediów. Spór o duchy (Parapsychology, 1996)
  • Na krawędzi zaświatów. Sporu o duchy ciąg dalszy (Parapsychology, 1999)


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