Kshitish Chandra Neogy

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Kshitish Chandra Neogy (* 1888 , † in the 1970s) was an Indian politician of the Indian National Congress (INC).


On August 15, 1947, Neogy was appointed as Minister of Welfare and Rehabilitation in the first Nehru cabinet and held this ministerial post until August 16, 1948, after which he was replaced by Mohanlal Saksena . As part of a cabinet reshuffle, he then succeeded Narhar Vishnu Gadgil as Minister of Commerce on August 16, 1948, and held this office until May 5, 1950. Together with Industry Minister Syama Prasad Mukherjee , who was also from Bengal, he resigned in protest against the Liaquat-Nehru Agreement , which was concluded between India and Pakistan to regulate the flow of refugees from East Pakistan.

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