Kuetemeyersche Foundation

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The name Kuetemeyer-Schencke-Steinicke'sche Foundation is still on the facade of the foundation's former administrative headquarters
The name Kuetemeyer-Schencke-Steinicke'sche Foundation is still on the facade of the foundation's former administrative headquarters

The Kuetemeyersche Foundation , completely Lehnrat Kuetemeyer-Schencke-Steinicke'sche Foundation , was a foundation for granting loans in Schwerin ( money lending institution ). It existed from 1854 to 1941.


The foundation was established in 1849 by the will of Johann Hermann Kuetemeyer (* June 24, 1769; † July 31, 1854). Kuetemeyer came from a Schwerin family of lawyers who had also been very successful in real estate transactions in the Schwerin area since the 18th century. He was mayor of Schwerin from 1803 to 1820 and then worked for many years in the grand ducal mortgage administration , for which he had received the title of Lehnrat . The foundation was named after Kuetemeyer himself and the maiden names of his two wives - Schencke and Steinicke. People in need in the city could borrow small amounts of money without interest. Craftsmen and traders who wanted to become self-employed could also get interest-free loans ( micro-loans ). Kuetemeyer had already founded an association against long borrowing in March 1848 , whose members undertook to pay their bills either immediately or at least on February 2nd, May 2nd, August 2nd and November 2nd of each year. By the end of July, 226 Schwerin residents had already entered.

At the time of its establishment, the foundation had total assets of 314,580 marks. 15 personalities from the city of Schwerin belonged to the foundation council.

In 1893/94, a building was erected as the seat of the foundation on Pfaffenteich in the Schelfstadt according to plans by the Schwerin architect Gustav Hamann . The construction costs were put at 95,000 marks. In 1906 the public library of the Lehnrat Kuetemeyer-Schencke-Steinicke Foundation was founded with the assistance of the Society for the Spread of Popular Education and housed in the foundation house

By investing the foundation's assets in real estate , the foundation, unlike others, survived the period of inflation in the 1920s relatively unscathed. It was therefore still very wealthy in the 1930s. This intensified the efforts of the now National Socialist city administration to bring the foundation under city control. In 1941 the National Socialists dissolved the foundation. Your fortune went to the city of Schwerin.

On June 8, 1942, the registry office moved into the building that is still known today as the old registry office Schwerin among Schwerin residents .


  • Udo Brinker: Chronicle of the city of Schwerin from the beginning to the present. production office TINUS, Schwerin 2011
  • Reinhard Thon: Lexicon Schwerin. Reinhard Thon publishing house, Schwerin 2004

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. This is the name in the Grand Ducal Mecklenburg-Schwerin State Calendar
  2. Eckhard Behr: To the noticeable advantage of the publici-: from the history of the chambers of industry and commerce in Neubrandenburg, Rostock and Schwerin. Rostock: Redieck & Schade 2003 ISBN 9783934116214 , p. 32