Kugarak River

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Kugarak River
Water code US1413389
location Alaska (USA)
River system Selawik River
Drain over Selawik River  → Chukchi Sea
Headwaters Waring Mountains
66 ° 58 ′ 43 "  N , 158 ° 21 ′ 59"  W.
Source height approx.  350  m
muzzle Selawik River Coordinates: 66 ° 33 '59 "  N , 159 ° 1' 22"  W 66 ° 33 '59 "  N , 159 ° 1' 22"  W
Mouth height m
Height difference approx. 345 m
Bottom slope approx. 2.7 ‰
length approx. 130 km
Catchment area approx. 3200 km²
Left tributaries Rabbit River
Right tributaries Kuchuk Creek, Nuleargowik River

The Kugarak River is a right tributary of the Selawik River in northwest Alaska .

The Kugarak River rises on the eastern southern flank of the Waring Mountains at an altitude of 350  m . Initially it flows 40 km south. The ridge of the Sheklukshuk Range rises to the east . Its southern flank is drained by the Rabbit River , which flows into the Kugarak River on the left. The Kugarak River now turns west and flows through the Kotzebue-Kobuk Plain. Kochuk Creek and Nuleargowik River , two tributaries flowing in from the right, drain the central and western southern flanks of the Waring Mountains. The Kugarak River forms numerous meanders and oxbow lakes along its course . It finally reaches the Selawik River after about 130 km of flow, 44 km east of the Selawik settlement . The catchment area covers approximately 3200 km².

The river name is derived from a traditional Eskimo name.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kugarak River in the Geographic Names Information System of the United States Geological Survey