Culture Office Saxony

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The Kulturbüro Sachsen eV campaigns against right-wing extremist structures and for an active democratic civil society in the Free State of Saxony . To this end, the cultural office advises and supports local associations, youth initiatives, parishes, networks as well as administrations, local parliaments and other civil society actors in their engagement.

The Kulturbüro Sachsen eV was founded in 2001. In projects, employees make methods and content available that strengthen civic engagement and concrete action knowledge against right-wing extremism and thus want to anchor a democratic everyday culture in Saxon municipalities and districts.

An interdisciplinary project team with professional experience from a wide variety of areas (social pedagogy, sociology, culture, politics and history, etc.) is used as a tool. Projects in Saxony are accompanied with the aim of involving the citizens, socio-cultural work and political education, always with the aim of developing and supporting democratic structures. Basis of the work of the Cultural Office Saxony eV is the principle of empowerment ( Empowerment ).


In addition to the institutional funding of projects in Saxony, the cultural office operates a “mobile advisory team” and various regional offices in the Free State. The office is located in Dresden. The work is currently divided into the following areas:

Matthias Klemm, Johanna Stoll and Achim Wesjohann are on the board of the Kulturbüro Sachsen eV .

Web links

  • [1] Kulturbüro Sachsen eV

Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Trappe: A village makes the NPD strong . In: The time . No. 31 , 28 July 2011, ISSN  0044-2070 ( online ).
  2. Till Stoldt: "Only zero tolerance helps" . In: Welt am Sonntag . Volume 58, No. 5 , January 30, 2005, p. 4 ( online ).
  3. ^ Kulturbüro Sachsen eV - Mobile Advisory Team - Regional Office Southwest. Retrieved November 5, 2016 .
  4. ^ Astrid Geisler: Balloon projects against the right. Right-wing extremism . In: The time . No. 36 , September 11, 2015, ISSN  0044-2070 ( online ).
  5. ^ Andreas Roth: Saxony as a territory for right-wing extremists. The local democratic parties are often overwhelmed . In: NZZ . April 10, 2006, ISSN  0376-6829 .
  6. Kulturbüro Sachsen: Our board of directors. Retrieved November 5, 2016 .