Kuno II of Falkenstein-Munzenberg

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Kuno II (Falkenstein-Munzenberg) (Licher line) , (* unknown; † 14 May 1333 ) was a nobleman of the Licher line of the Falkenstein family .


Kuno II von Falkenstein-Münzenberg was a son of Philip III. von Falkenstein (* around 1257; † February 9, 1322), who was the first Falkensteiner to reside in Lich and elevated Lich to town, and his wife Luckarde von Isenburg.

He was married to Anna von Nassau-Hadamar († 1329) (marriage before 1322).

The following children were born from the marriage:

  • Luitgard von Falkenstein († before July 14, 1363), married to Count Emich V. von Leiningen-Hartenburg in 1343
  • Philip VI von Falkenstein (* around 1320; † between March 24, 1370 and August 6, 1373)

In his second marriage he was married to Imagina (Mena) von Bickenbach († 1367).

The sandstone grave monument of Kuno and his first wife Anna is now in the ambulatory of the Evangelical Marienstiftskirche in Lich . The grave slab contains the following inscription: ANNO D (OM)] NI M / C ° C ° C ° X ° X ° X ° III ° II IDVS MAII O (BIIT) CVNO DE FALKINSTEIN D (OMI) N (V) S IN MIN / ZINBERG + + ANNO D (OMI) NI M / C ° C ° C ° XXIX ° III K (A) L (ENDAS) AVG (VSTI) O (BIIT) D (OMI) NA ANNA CO (N) THORAL (IS ) D (OMI) NI CVNONIS DE / FALKENSTEY [N] + (Translation: In the year of the Lord 1333, on the 2nd Id of May, Cuno von Falkenstein, Lord of Munzenberg, died. In the year of the Lord 1329, on the 3rd of May. At the end of August, Mrs. Anna, wife of Mr. Cuno von Falkenstein, died.)

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Kuno von Falkenstein 1333 and Anna geb. from Nassau 1329, Lich. Grave monuments in Hesse until 1650 (as of December 14, 2011). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).
  2. Philip III. von Falkenstein 1322, Lich. Grave monuments in Hesse until 1650 (as of December 14, 2011). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).
  3. a b Dataset on genealogy Eberhard zu Kuno II. Von Falkenstein-Münzenberg, accessed on September 13, 2015
  4. record on Geneanet to Kuno II. Von Falkenstein-Münzenberg, accessed on September 13, 2015

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