Kunsthaus Oerlikon

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The Kunsthaus Oerlikon was an off-scene art project that held exhibitions in different locations in Zurich from 1986 to 1996 . The initiators realized these in locations that were available as temporary uses. The term “Kunsthaus” is ironic, and Oerlikon was just the beginning of the initiative.


Initially and in accordance with the association's statutes, the initiative was called "GESPENST", which in German means: "Society for the production of existential vortices".

The off-scene project was first shown in 1986 at Nansenstrasse 16 in Zurich Oerlikon , moved to Langstrasse in urban district 5, to a disused tram depot in the Seefeld district in urban district 8 and finally to Konradstrasse in urban district 5 near Zurich main station.

The initiators included the artists Martin Senn, Aurel Hofmann and Andreas Niederhauser.

The Kunsthaus Oerlikon represented a broad spectrum of artistic positions. Group exhibitions often had a common theme, such as “key works”, “man / woman”, “art of survival”. A publication of the same name was published for the “Art of survival” exhibition in a civil defense system. A special exhibition in 1991 was dedicated to objects of everyday GDR culture under the title "GDR - German decorative remnants".

In 1996 the history of the Kunsthaus Oerlikon came to an end, with encores and extensions. From February 25th to 29th, 2004, a three-day remake took place in the “Mediacampus” on Baslerstrasse.


A list of the names of the participating artists for the early 1990s can be found in the publication "Survival Art": Cécile Angelle, Rolland Baldermann, Claudia Brändli, Roman Buxbaum, Andrea Clavadetscher, Jürg Egli, Ercan, Martin Senn, Dagmar Heinrich, Alex Herzog, Christoph Herzog, Cornelia Hesse-Honegger , Johannes Heuer, Aurel Hofmann, Marie-Therese Huber, Franz Imboden, Res Keller, Peter Kubala / Thomas Weiss, Elsbeth Kuchen, Enrico Mattioli, Bessie Nager , Caro Niederer , Stefan Pente , Pipilotti Rist , Patrik Sidler / Jörg Lenzlinger , Samir , Aldo Schmid, Susan Schoch, Sascha Serfoezoe, Aleks Weber , Hans Witschi, Willi Wottreng , Daniel Zimmermann, Beat Zoderer .


  • afk: All in all. Last exhibition at the Kunsthaus Oerlikon. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung . December 21, 1995.
  • Willi Wottreng : Return of a ghost (on the occasion of the remake event for the Kunsthaus Oerlikon). In: NZZ am Sonntag . February 15, 2004.

Individual evidence

  1. To: Willli Wottreng : return of a ghost (on the occasion of the remake event for the Kunsthaus Oerlikon). In: NZZ am Sonntag. February 15, 2004.
  2. ^ Kunsthaus Oerlikon (ed.), Andreas Niederhauser, Willi Wottreng (ed.): Survival art . Documentation for the art exhibition in the civil defense system Antoniusschacht Zurich. Verlag Atelier für Gestaltung, Zurich 1993, ISBN 3-907136-02-0 .
  3. Kunsthaus Oerlikon (ed.): Survival Art (see note above). P. 3.