Kurdish unrest in Turkey in October 2014

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The Kurdish riots in Turkey in October 2014 (Turkish 6-7 Ekim olayları) mark an outbreak of violence in October 2014 in the Kurdish areas of Turkey, in the course of which dozen people died.


The Kurdish city of Kobanê in Syria was surrounded by the Islamic State (IS) in autumn 2014 and the Syrian-Kurdish residents offered fierce resistance. Hundreds of voluntary Turkish Kurds wanted to support the Syrian Kurds' resistance against IS. This failed because the Turkish government refused to open an aid corridor to Kobanê near the Turkish border.

The events started with a call by the HDP . On Twitter , the board announced the following during a meeting: “Urgent appeal to our peoples […]! The situation in Kobani is extremely critical. We call on our peoples to take to the streets and support those who are already on the streets to protest against the attacks by IS and the embargo of the AKP government. "

As a result, there was violence between supporters of the HdP, Kurdish supporters of Hüda-Par , a successor to the Kurdish Hezbollah , and ethnic Turks or alleged supporters of the Islamic State . There was lynching, pillage and pillage.

Casualty numbers

The number of victims varies depending on the report. In a balance sheet published by the daily Hürriyet one month after the outbreak of violence, the number is given as 50 deaths. Ensonhaber put the number of dead at 31 two years after the events. Most of the dead were mourned because demonstrators and supporters of Hüda Par attacked each other with knives, firearms and clubs. Some of the security forces also used live ammunition.

Events in Diyarbakır

In the predominantly Kurdish Diyarbakır alone  , 12 people were killed. There was damage to 144 private buildings and workplaces, 16 public buildings and numerous vehicles. The lynching of a 16-year-old boy and three of his friends who were suspected of membership in the Islamic State received particular media attention . The victims were brutally murdered. The corpses showed numerous stab wounds and gunshot wounds and the effects of blunt force on the head. They were then thrown from the balcony and repeatedly run over the bodies in the car. The perpetrators burned the corpses.


The HDP criticized the government after the events on October 9, 2014 following a conversation with Deputy Prime Minister Yalçın Akdoğan , but also said that there should be no violence and arson. The PKK demanded in a statement on 8 October that the actions should be continued.

Some columnists said they had seen the real face of the PKK. Some believed that it was an attempt to torpedo the peace process and a PKK coup against Öcalan .

The Hüda-Par interpreted the events theoretically as a joint project of the USA, FETÖ and the PKK.

At the end of October, due to national and international pressure, the Turkish government allowed a number of the Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga to come to Kobane through Turkish territory to help defend the city.

As a result of the outbreak of violence, talks between the Kurds and the Turkish government were resumed.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Gülistan Gürbey: Renewed violence escalation in the Turkish-Kurdish conflict Federal Agency for Civic Education
  2. Cumhuriyet daily newspaper, February 22, 2017
  3. http://www.hurriyet.com.tr November 6, 2014
  4. http: //www.ensonhaber October 6, 2016
  5. https://www.bbc.com , BBC (Turkish), October 10, 2014
  6. https://www.aksam.com.tr January 3, 2018
  7. https://www.bbc.com BBC (Turkish) October 10, 2014
  8. https://www.haberler.com October 2, 2016
  9. http://www.milliyet.com.tr , October 5, 2016