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The term Kurultai or Kuriltai ( Mongolian Их Хуралдай I churaltai , German “large assembly” ) comes from the language of the early Turkic peoples . It originally referred to the meeting of princes .

This term was later adopted by the Gök Turks and the Mongols with the meaning of people's assembly and Reichstag .


Campaigns were planned among the Mongols at such gatherings and the military leaders of a tribal association were appointed as part of the Mongolian warfare . So was z. B. Genghis Khan appointed Great Khan of all Mongols on a Kurultai in 1206 .

Since the leaders of the allied tribes each had to meet in one place in this process, they were forced to neglect their current theaters of war. The deaths of Ögedei Khan (1241) and Möngke Khan (1259) made it necessary for the Mongolian troops to withdraw from Vienna and into Syria , thus preventing the possible success of the two campaigns.

Even today, Chural is the word for assembly in Mongolian . The parliament of Mongolia is the Great State Chural .

Turkic peoples

In today's Turkish language , Kurultay means congress , party conference or general meeting .

The root word Kurul today means committee or commission .

Popular assemblies also bear similar names among other Turkic peoples such as the Bashkirs , the Crimean Tatars or in Kyrgyzstan and Kalmykia .