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Kutub ( Arabic كتب, Plural to Arabic كتاب, DMG kitāb : "book") is the Arabic word for "books". It is used for:

Well-known Arabic books

  • Al-Kutub as-sitta , the six Sunni canonical collections of hadith
  • Kutub arba'a , the four Imamite canonical collections of hadith
  • kutub aṭ-ṭabaqāt (= class books), the fourth historical source on the life and work of Muhammad
  • kutub ar-ridschāl (= books about men, i.e. hadith narrators), Arabic generic term for the scholar 's biographies , see Al-Mizzī
  • Keşf ez-Zunûn 'an esâmî el-kutub ve-l-fünûn , bibliographical listing of approx. 14,500 book titles of Arabic, Persian and Turkish books, written by Katib Çelebi
  • Keschf es-sunun to esmail Kutub velfunun , an Arabic encyclopedia

Kutub is the name of:

  • Ibn al-kutub (= son of books), another name of as-Suyūtī (1445–1505), Arabic scholar, lawyer, scholastic and historian

See also:

  • Qutb (sometimes also rewritten as "Kutub" in German)