Kvitkuven Bank

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Kvitkuven Bank
Waters Southern ocean
Geographical location 72 ° 3 ′  S , 16 ° 20 ′  W Coordinates: 72 ° 3 ′  S , 16 ° 20 ′  W
Kvitkuven Bank (Antarctica)
Kvitkuven Bank

The Kvitkuven Bank ( English ) is a submarine bank off the Princess Martha coast of the East Antarctic Queen Maud Land . It is located immediately north of the Riiser-Larsen Ice Shelf at a depth of 150 m below sea level .

The bank is named at the suggestion of the surveyor and glaciologist Heinrich Hinze from the Alfred Wegener Institute based on the name given to the Kvitkuven ice dome in the Riiser Larsen ice shelf. The designation was confirmed in June 1997 by the US Advisory Committee for Undersea Features (ACUF).

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