Léon Barracand

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Léon Henri Barracand (born May 2, 1840 in Romans-sur-Isère , Département Drôme , † November 4, 1919 ) was a French writer.

Barracand used the pseudonym "Léon Grandet" for some of his literary works . He was friends with Catulle Mendès and Auguste de Villiers de L'Isle Adam and thus came together with other Parnassians .

Alphonse Lemerre also included some poems in the later famous anthology Le Parnasse contemporain . Today Barracand is part of this literary association.

Barracand took part in the Franco-German War . After the end of the war he worked for some time in administration and between 1874 and 1876 he held the office of mayor in his hometown.

Works (selection)

  • Le bonheur au village . Charavay, Paris p. a.
  • Donatiel. Poeme . Faure, Paris 1866 (under the pseudonym "Léon Grandet").
  • Gul. Poeme . Lemerre, Paris 1870 (under the pseudonym "Léon Grandet").
  • Les hésitations de Mme Planard . Plon, Nourit & Co., Paris 1886.
  • Hilaire Gervais. Histoire d'un enfant . Charavay, Paris around 1900.
  • Le manuscrit du sous-lieutenant . Plon, Nourit & Co., Paris 1887.
  • Servienne. Histoire d'une servante . Charavay, Paris 1886.
  • Trahisons. Roman passionel . Havard, Paris 1891.
  • Un village au XIIe siècle et au XIXe siècle. Récit comparatif des mœurs du moyen-âge et des mœurs modern . Megariotis. Geneva 1977 (reprint of Paris 1882 edition).
  • L'Épée brisée . Plon, Paris 1904.
  • L'invasion, 4th août 1870-16. September 1873 . Lemerre, Paris 1902 (illustrated by Paul Leroy ).
  • La rançon de la gloire . Maison de la bonne presse, Paris 1903.


  • Fernand Calmettes: Leconte de Lisle et ses amis . Plon, Paris 1945 (reprint of the Paris 1902 edition).
  • Stéphanie Durand-Barracand: Léon Barracand. Géographies d'un écrivain . Dissertation, University of Paris IV, 1997.
  • Georges Grente (Ed.): Dictionnaire des Lettres françaises . Fayard, Paris 1977, ISBN 2-213-59543-7 (reprint of the Paris 1939 edition).
  • Adolphe Racot: Les Parnassiens . Minard, Paris 1968 (Avant-Siècle; 1)

Web links

Wikisource: Léon Barracand  - Sources and full texts (French)