Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir

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Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir (2016)

Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir (born November 3, 1964 in Reykjavík ) is an Icelandic politician ( Progress Party ).

Líneik Anna received a bachelor's degree in biology from the University of Iceland in 1989 and a degree in pedagogy and didactics in 1991 . She worked, among other things, in the further education area of ​​the agricultural college of Hvanneyri and as headmistress of the primary school of Fáskrúðsfjörður .

Since the Icelandic parliamentary elections on April 27, 2013 , Líneik Anna was a member of the Icelandic parliament Althing for the north-eastern constituency . She has served on the parliamentary committees on economic affairs and trade, as well as justice and education, and was a member of the Icelandic delegation to the conference of parliamentarians of the Arctic region. For the early parliamentary election on October 29, 2016 , Líneik Anna Sævarsdóttir ran again, but was not elected. It was third on the Progress Party's list for the north-eastern constituency, but the Progress Party only won two seats in this district. After the election on October 28, 2017 , which was also brought forward , she was able to take her seat again.

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Individual evidence

  1. Auglýsing landskjörstjórnar um framboð í Norðausturkjördæmi við alþingiskosningar October 29, 2016 ( Icelandic ) Innanríkisráðuneytið (Icelandic Ministry of the Interior). Retrieved November 6, 2016.
  2. Brynjólfur Þór Guðmundsson: þessi taka á saeti thingi ( Icelandic ) In: ruv.is . October 30, 2016. Retrieved November 6, 2016.
  3. Þessi náðu kjöri í Alþingiskosningunum ( Icelandic ) In: Kjarninn . October 29, 2017. Retrieved October 29, 2017.