Lion throat cut

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The lion's dragon cut is a heraldic image in heraldry and a not very common way of dividing or splitting the coat of arms with a coat of arms .

Coa Illustration Partition Lionhead.svg

The coat of arms depicts a sectional figure that shows two lion heads in different tinctures , interlocked with their torn jaws . A continuous dividing or split line is the basic element of this cut. If, as in the coat of arms of the Helchner family from Nuremberg, the lion heads are depicted with one eye each, the cut becomes a coat of arms according to the heraldist Gert Oswald . A symbolism is not assigned to this coat of arms, but the rarity is heraldically to be assumed as a special feature. With other animal heads, such as horses , dogs and eagles , there are related cuts. The lion's throat cut was documented by Johann Siebmacher in his heraldic books.


  • Pierer 's Universal Lexicon. Volume 10. Altenburg 1860, p. 550.
  • Johann Samuelersch , Johann Gottfried Gruber, Moritz Hermann Eduard Meier, Hermann Brockhaus, Johann Georg Heinrich Hassel, AG Müller, August Leskien: General encyclopedia of sciences and arts. Section 2 Volume 6, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Leipzig 1829, p. 63.

Individual evidence

  1. Gert Oswald : Lexicon of Heraldry. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig 1984, p. 318.