Codex Laurentianus

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The Codex Laurentianus refers to the approximately 3,000 individual manuscripts in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence , which were part of the historical inventory when the library opened in 1571.


Most of the volumes come from the library collected by various members of the Medici family . Under Leo X the books came to the Palazzo Madama in Rome, under Clement VII , who also commissioned the building of the library, the collection returned to Florence. The basic holdings also include the libraries of the humanists Francesco Sassetti (1421–1490) and Francesco Filelfo , as well as the codices that were given to Pope Leo X or acquired by him in Rome to supplement the family library . Before the library opened, Cosimo I also confiscated manuscripts from the Dominican convent of San Marco in favor of the Laurenziana.


The manuscripts were placed in the plutei , the lectern, in a publicly accessible place, but previously bound in a uniform manner. The manuscripts are still in these bindings with the Medici coat of arms. The signature was noted on each tape, which is derived from the pluteus, e.g. B. P. 69. , and the serial number, e.g. B. 18. , composed. This results in the signature Plut.69.18 , a 15th century manuscript with Xenophon's writings .

Other larger collections are the Medicei Palatini , the Conventi soppressi from the abolition of the order by Napoleon in 1808, to whom the library of the Convent of San Marco also fell victim, but these form a separate collection of San Marco . Here you can find the libraries of the humanists Niccolò Niccoli , Poggio Bracciolini , Lorenzo and Vespasiano da Bisticci as well as Giorgio Antonio Vespucci (1434–1514). In 1884 around 2000 manuscripts from the Ashburnham collection were acquired for the Laurenziana.

Belong to the Plutei

Other groups of stocks

The plutei are recorded in an online database, further online directories are available for San Marco and for the papyri.


  1. The cover of this manuscript is shown on the Laurenziana's inventory history page. Bibliography on the manuscript from Plutei online
  2. meeting u. a. a new Aelian edition, which was created using the relevant manuscript
  3. 236 Latin manuscripts in Manus Online
  4. ^ Papiri letterari della Biblioteca Laurenziana

Web links

  • History of the manuscript holdings on the library site
  • Home page of the Plutei online catalog . Access to the codicological description, digitized material and literature on the individual manuscripts. (Input sample Plut.60.03, otherwise no result is shown)