LEP stands for:
- State development plan or state development program , the state-wide stipulations on spatial planning at state level
- Large Electron-Positron Collider , a former particle accelerator at CERN near Geneva
- Lupus erythematosus profundus, a form of the autoimmune disease lupus erythematosus in humans
- Recording of nursing services , a method for recording nursing services
- Ludwig-Erhard-Preis (ILEP) , an award for sustainable top performance and competitiveness (not to be confused with the Ludwig-Erhard-Preis for business journalism )
- Air pressure energy cartridge, a conversion option from live firearms to air pressure weapons
- Laser-evoked potentials , a neurophysiological examination method
- Light Emitting Plasma , this technology is used to generate light in quartz lamps with the help of microwaves
Lep stands for:
- the constellation rabbit (lat. Lepus ) in the nomenclature of the fixed stars
- a clay soaked in ozokerite
lep stands for:
- Lepcha (language) (ISO-639-3 code), language in India