LG series Gp

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LG series Gp
ČSD series 399.0
ČSD series 399.0.jpeg
Numbering: LG 21–26
ČSD 399.001–006
Number: 6th
Manufacturer: Škoda , Plzeň
Year of construction (s): 1939
Retirement: 1969
Axis formula : 2'C1 'h2
Gauge : 1435 mm ( standard gauge )
Length over buffers: 23,950 mm
Fixed wheelbase: 4500 mm
Total wheelbase: 11,950
Wheelbase with tender: 20,200 mm
Smallest bef. Radius: 140 m
Service mass: 99 t
Service mass with tender: 175.3 t
Friction mass: 55 t
Wheel set mass : 19 t
Top speed: 130 km / h
Indexed performance : 1670 kW
Starting tractive effort: 100 kN
Driving wheel diameter: 2000 mm
Impeller diameter front: 1000 mm
Rear wheel diameter: 1308 mm
Control type : Heusinger
Number of cylinders: 2
Cylinder diameter: 590 mm
Piston stroke: 680 mm
Boiler overpressure: 16 bar
Grate area: 4.8 m²
Superheater area : 80.0 m²
Evaporation heating surface: 254.3 m²
Water supply: 32 m³
Fuel supply: 13.3 m³
Westinghouse handbrake compressed air brake

The LG series Gp was a fast train - Train Locomotive of the Lithuanian state railway Lietuvos geležinkeliai (LG). The locomotives were developed and built by Škoda in Plzeň . At LG, the locomotives were only used for a short time, the Second World War and its aftermath led to the locomotives being used in Czechoslovakia from 1945.


The six ordered locomotives were completed in 1939 and delivered to the LG. She used this in front of her express trains, including the D 1 Berlin - Eydtkuhnen - Riga between the Lithuanian border stations Virbalis and Joniškis via the then Lithuanian capital Kaunas and Šiauliai . As early as 1940, during the occupation of Lithuania , the LG was taken over by the Soviet state railway Sovetskije schelesnyje dorogi . The Deutsche Reichsbahn followed in 1941 as part of the Barbarossa company . The Reichsverkehrsdirektion Riga (RVD Riga) set up by the Germans handed the locomotives over to the Hamburg-Altona depot in 1943 . From there, they were sold by the Reichsbahn to the then Protectorate Railway BMB-ČMD in the same year . It referred to this as 399.001–006 and from then on used it for all types of trains. After the restoration of Czechoslovakia in 1945, they remained with the Czechoslovak State Railways (ČSD).

The machines were located in the depots in Prague , Děčín and Brno . The maximum speed of 130 km / h could never be extended on the ČSD, and the locomotives had too high axle pressure for most of the ČSD lines. As a result, it was not possible to use it on the most important main routes in the country. For this reason, the locomotives were retired as a splitter series until 1969.

As the 1000th Škoda locomotive built, locomotive 399.005 remained in the Bratislava Vychod locomotive depot. A reactivation of the machine began in 2014.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Hesselink, Tempel, p. 65 u. 68.
  2. historical photo of a 399.0 on www.k-report.net
  3. Rekonštrukcia parného rušňa 399.005. Železničné múzeum Slovenskej republiky, July 9, 2014, accessed June 16, 2019 (Slovak).


  • Catalog of historical railway vehicles on Slovak territory . Bratislava 2001.
  • Helmut Griebl: ČSD steam locomotives . Vienna 1969.
  • Herman Gijsbert Hesselink, Norbert Tempel: Railways in the Baltic States . Lok-Report publishing house, Münster 1996, ISBN 3-921980-51-8 .
  • Karel Zeithammer: Česká Stavba Parních Lokomotiv 2, 1930 - 1945 . Růžolící Chrochtík, Prague 2013, ISBN 978-80-904737-5-1 (Czech).

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