La Gaceta Literaria

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Title head of issue 73 from 1930

La Gaceta Literaria (Spanish for: The Literary Newspaper ) was a Spanish cultural magazine that appeared from 1927 to 1932 and was of great importance for the intellectual life of Spain. It was founded and directed by Ernesto Giménez Caballero. Between January 1, 1927 and May 1, 1932, a total of 123 issues appeared every two weeks.

The magazine was an important organ of young authors of the so-called generation of 1927 ; all well-known poets and critics of this movement worked on it, e. B. Luis Buñuel , Cesar M. Arconada, Rafael Alberti , Sebastià Gasch, Benjamin Jarnés, Luis Gómez Mesa, Guillermo de Torre, Ramiro Ledesma Ramos , Luis Araquistáin, Melchor Fernández Almagro, Ramón Gómez de la Serna , Pedro Sainz Rodríguez, Juan Chabás , José Moreno Villa , José Bergamin, Enrique Lafuente Ferrari, Salvador Dalí and Federico García Lorca .
