La Toma

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La Toma
Basic data
location 33 ° 3 ′  S , 65 ° 37 ′  W Coordinates: 33 ° 3 ′  S , 65 ° 37 ′  W
Height above d. M .: 861  m
Population (2001): 6663
Province : San LuisSan Luis San Luis
Department : Coronel Pringles
Mayor: Dominga Estela Torres, PJ
Postal code : D5750
Telephone code: 02651

La Toma or Cuatro de Junio is the capital of the Coronel Pringles department in the province of San Luis in western Argentina . It is a mining center and calls itself the capital of onyx stone ( Capital de la piedra Ónix ) because it is processed into handicraft gems in the local workshops.


La Toma was founded in 1905 in connection with the arrival of the railway line.

Worth seeing

  • El Parador Minero is a mineralogical museum with showcases about 700 types of mineral from all over the world. The collection, which is constantly growing through donations, purchases and exchanges at international trade fairs, expresses the variety of colors of the stones well.
  • La Toma Vieja , a historic estancia , is the town's most important and eye-catching building. It is located at the western exit of the main street "La Avenida Mármol Ónix", in whose handicraft and jewelry shops the Ónix is ​​sold.

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