La Veu de Catalunya

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La Veu de Catalunya ( Catalan for 'The Voice of Catalonia') was a Catalan daily newspaper that appeared twice a day in Barcelona from January 1, 1899 to January 8, 1937.


Its origins go back to the literary and political weekly magazine that was founded by Narcís Verdaguer i Callís , Joaquim Cabot i Rovira and Jaume Collell on January 11, 1891. It should awaken the literary and political consciousness of the Catalan people.

A large number of the editors and employees of this newspaper became decisive figures in Catalan politics and later also worked on the daily edition: Francesc Cambó , Lluís Duran i Ventosa , Josep Puig i Cadafalch , Joaquim Rubió i Ors , Joan Sardà i Lloret . The weekly newspaper was finally closed at Christmas 1898. For this purpose, the daily publication began under the direction of Enric Prat de la Riba , with a much more political orientation and as defender of the Lliga Regionalista program .

Due to articles from 1900, 1901 and 1902 and the convening of an assembly of parliamentarians - Assemblea de Parlamentaris - in 1917, it was banned to prevent parliamentarians from making their opinions public. However, each time it appeared under different names in order to circumvent the ban, for example as La Creu de Catalunya , Diari de Catalunya , La Veu de Barcelona , El Poble Català , Baluard de Sitges or Costa de Ponent .

Because of their critical attitude, especially in connection with the failures of the Spanish army, a group of soldiers attacked the editorial office on November 25, 1905, what was known as fets del ¡Cu-Cut! went down in Catalan history. This was also the starting point of a series of laws that subjected the Catalan people to further reprisals. As a result, almost all Catalan parties united to form the Solidaritat Catalana Alliance , which clearly won the parliamentary elections of 1907.

In July 1936 the editorial office was closed for good, although newspapers continued to be published with subtitles expressing the new political directions: Diari de l'autonomia i de la República (Newspaper of Autonomy and the Republic), Diari antifeixista controlat pel Comitè Obrer (Antifascist Newspaper controlled by the workers' committee) and CNT-Diari antifeixista-AIT ( CNT -Antifascist Newspaper- AIT ).


The influence of La Veu to the Catalan and Spanish newspapers at the beginning of the 20th century was enormous. Important Catalan politicians, authors and journalists published articles on their pages, for example Enric Prat de la Riba , Francesc Cambó , Raimon Casellas , Ildefons Sunyol i Casanovas , Prudenci Bertrana , Josep Maria Junoy i Muns , Eugeni d'Ors (under the pseudonym Xènius ) , Josep Pla , Jaume Bofill i Mates ( Puck , Guerau de Liost , One ), Josep Carner ( Bellafila , Caliban , Two ), Manuel Brunet , Carles Sentís , Irene Polo , Ignasi Agustí , Ferran Agulló (Pol) .

The literary and essayistic parts that emerged from the collaboration of Xènius and Josep Carner should be emphasized in terms of their importance beyond time .


  • Enciclopèdia Catalana: Veu de Catalunya, La . In: Gran enciclopèdia catalana. 2nd edition 2nd reprint 1992. Volume 24 . Enciclopèdia catalana, Barcelona 1987, ISBN 84-7739-100-9 , p. 58 f . (Catalan).
  • enciclopè La Veu de Catalunya. Retrieved August 12, 2018 (Catalan).