Jaume Collell i Bancells

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Jaume Collell i Bancells caricatured in La Esquella de la Torratxa on May 8, 1908

Jaume Collell i Bancells (born December 18, 1846 in Vic ; † March 1, 1932 ibid) was a Catalan priest, poet, writer and journalist.

life and work

Collell graduated from Vic seminary and wrote poetry and short prose from a young age. He collected these works in volumes such as Cançons de Montserrat (1880, songs from Montserrat), Faules i símils (1881, fables and parables), Floràlia (1894) and Jovenívoles (1926, youth works). In 1868 he moved to Barcelona to study philosophy and humanities. He got to know characters from the literary and ecclesiastical world. He returned to Vic and was appointed canon in 1880.

In 1871 he was appointed Gai Saber , master of poetry, the Jocs Florals of Barcelona . As a great advocate and supporter of this event, he presided over the competition in 1887, 1908 and 1925.

As a staunch supporter of the Catalan Renaissance and Catalanism , he had supported these movements even before his ordination. He published the essay Catalanisme: lo que és i lo que deuria ésser (1879, Catalanism: What it is and what it should be.). He expressed his opinion in numerous Catholic and Conservative magazines. As a contentious journalist, he intervened in controversial socio-political and religious discourses in the press. In 1878 he founded and directed the magazine La Veu del Montserrat (1878–1902, The Voice of Montserrat). He became a mouthpiece for moderate Catalan Catholicism. From this position he successfully supported campaigns such as Mil llenari de Montserrat (1880, A Thousand Years of Montserrat), the defense of Catalan law against the project of a complete Spanish codification of law (1881-1889), the writing down and documentation of all atrocities (1885 ), the restoration or reconstruction of the monastery complex in Ripoll , the World Exhibition of Barcelona in 1888 , the establishment of the Episcopal Museum of Vic (1891) and the centenary of the birth of the Catalan philosopher and theologian Jaume Balmes in 1910.

He founded the Revista Catalana (1889) and headed the Gazeta Montanyesa from 1905 to 1914 and founded the successor magazine La Gazeta de Vic in 1914 . In 1893 he published the previously unpublished work in Latin by Antoni Brenac , a Catalan humanist poet and monk from Montserrat. As a member of the Acadèmia de la Llengua Catalana, he was an absolute opponent of the Catalan spelling reform of 1913. Other works by Collell are Viatge a Roma (1896, The Journey to Rome), Memòries d'un noi de Vic (1908, memories of a boy from Vic) and Del meu fadrinatge (1920, About my bachelor existence), who talk about his childhood and youth. In 1927, on the occasion of Collell's 60th anniversary as a journalist, the band Sembrant arreu (Sowing everywhere) was published under the patronage of politician Francesc Cambó . In 1926 he published under the title Dulcis amicitia the letters he had received from the Catalan bishop Josep Torras i Bages . His Efemèrides dels meus 50 anys de sacerdoci (1938, records from my 50-year priesthood) were published posthumously .


Web links

Wikisource: Jaume Collell i Bancells  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. The daily life dates come from the work of Joan Requesens.