Labeo nandina

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Labeo nandina
Labeo nandina Day Mintern 126.jpg

Labeo nandina

Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Subfamily : Labeoninae
Genre : Labeo
Type : Labeo nandina
Scientific name
Labeo nandina
Hamilton , 1822

Labeo nandina , also called Nandani or Nandil in India, is a medium-sized carp fish from Southeast Asia .


The fish can grow to over 80 centimeters long and 10 kilograms.


Labeo nandina occurs in rivers in India , Bangladesh and Myanmar .

Way of life

The species of fish is mostly found in the upper reaches of the rivers. In Bangladesh they are also found in the so-called beels.

Way of life and use

Very little is known about the way of life of Labeo nandina .

Notes and individual references

  1. a b c Labeo nandina on (English)
  2. ^ Fishing World Records
  3. Pond with static water in the floodplain of Bangladesh

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