lac UV5

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lac UV5 is a bacterial promoter used in bacterial expression vectors to produce recombinant proteins .


lac UV5 is a mutant of the promoter in the lac operon from Escherichia coli . In contrast to the lac promoter, it has no catabolite repression , which means that gene expression is not inhibited by glucose . This property is caused by two changed base pairs in the -10 hexamer region of the lac promoter. It is one of the most widely used bacterial promoters for the production of proteins, since no further activators are required and comparatively high amounts of protein are produced. It has a cis element in the range -35 and -10. lac UV5 roughly corresponds to the consensus sequence of a bacterial promoter to which the sigma factor and bacterial RNA polymerase binds to initiate protein biosynthesis . It can be inhibited by the lac repressor and induced by IPTG (100 μM to 1.5 mM) or lactose .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ AE Silverstone, RR Arditti, B. Magasanik: Catabolite-insensitive revertants of lac promoter mutants. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . Volume 66, Number 3, July 1970, pp. 773-779, PMID 4913210 , PMC 283117 (free full text).
  2. D. Pribnow: Bacteriophage T7 early promoters: nucleotide sequences of two RNA polymerase binding sites. In: Journal of molecular biology. Volume 99, Number 3, December 1975, pp. 419-443, PMID 765476 .
  3. a b R. J. Noel, WS Reznikoff: Structural studies of lacUV5-RNA polymerase interactions in vitro. Ethylation interference and missing nucleoside analysis. In: Journal of Biological Chemistry . Volume 275, Number 11, March 2000, pp. 7708-7712, PMID 10713082 .