Lake Temagami

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Lake Temagami
Geographical location Nipissing District in Ontario (Canada)
Drain Temagami River
Coordinates 46 ° 57 ′  N , 80 ° 5 ′  W Coordinates: 46 ° 57 ′  N , 80 ° 5 ′  W
Lake Temagami (Ontario)
Lake Temagami
surface 209.71 km²
Maximum depth 109 m
Temagami 79.97192W 47.01192N.jpg
Satellite image of the lake with its many branches, islands and bays

The Lake Temagami is a lake in Nipissing District in the northeast of the Canadian province of Ontario .

It is located about 80 km north of the city of North Bay . The name of the lake comes from the Ojibwa language and means "deep water next to the shore". The lake has a total area of ​​209.71 km². The maximum depth is 109 m. The outflow of the lake is the Temagami River . The following types of fish are caught in the lake: eyeglasses , Canadian pikeperch , largemouth bass , black bass , pike , American perch , sunfish and herring vendace . The catch of the sea ​​sturgeon is prohibited all year round.

Web links

Commons : Lake Temagami  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Ministry of Natural Resources - Fishing Destination: Lake Temagami