Lambert explosive game

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Lambert Sprengepiel (*?; † around 1658/1664) was a Rittmeister in the Thirty Years War and is a legend in Vechta .


Rittmeister Sprengepiel commanded a free company with 81 mercenaries on the imperial side in the late Thirty Years' War and fought against the Swedes. He lived in Vechta from 1640 to around 1658/1664 and bought the Falkenrott estate there in 1643 .


In the legend, Sprengepiel (or Sprengepyl) has the rank of colonel and is in league with the devil, who turns him and his people into bushes in case of danger so that the Swedes do not discover them. After his death, Sprengepiel is doomed to haunt Vechta at night in the shape of a large black chain dog with glowing eyes.

The legend was first published in 1853 by the historian and politician Carl Heinrich Nieberding (1779–1851) in the Osnabrücker Mitteilungen . Further versions by Ludwig Strackerjan (1825–1881), Elisabeth Reinke (1882–1981), Franz Kramer (1902–1978) and others. a. followed.

Representations and designations

On the Vechta emergency money from 1922 there are pictorial representations of the Sprengepiel legend.

In 1981, the Sprengepiel bronze sculpture was erected in Vechta, depicting a dog with baring teeth and created by the sculptor Bernhard Kleinhans (1926–2004) from Sendenhorst near Münster.

There are also the street names Sprengepielstraße and Sprengepielplatz in Vechta .


  • Franz Hellbernd: Truth and Poetry about Sprengepiel. In: Contributions to the history of the city of Vechta. Published by the city of Vechta, Volume III, Part 2, Vechta 1981, pp. 222–229
  • Marc Albrecht: Sprengepiel: Der Hund vom Falkenrott , Web-Site-Verlag, Elbersdorf 2008, ISBN 3-94-044530-4

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