Lambert's conformal cone projection

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World map in Lambertian cone projection

Lambert's conformal cone projection (also Lambert-Gaussian conformal cone projection ) is a widely used map network design developed by Johann Heinrich Lambert in 1772 . She is a conformal (ie compliant) conic projection in normal position.

The mapping can be carried out both with a contact cone (ie with one parallel circle of the same length) and with a cutting cone (ie with two parallel circles of the same length). In the case of a polyconical projection, several intersecting cones are joined together at the true-length intersecting circles. The stripes are kept narrow to minimize distortion.

Some cards in aviation are Lambert cards , for example the ICAO VFR card for visual flights or IFR cards for instrument flights in the middle latitudes. In contrast, maps in Mercator projection are predominantly used in seafaring . The international map of the world also uses Lambert's projection.