Land Kranenburg

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The Land or Amt Kranenburg was an administrative district in the northwest of the county or duchy of Kleve . The center was the castle or the city of Kranenburg .


The beginnings of the state of Kranenburg are in the early 14th century. Kranenburg was already under Dietrich Luf , a younger brother of Count Dietrich V./VII. von Kleve was administered separately from the county of Kleve between 1255 and 1277, but the formation of the territorial district should only go back to Mr. Gerhard von Horn . He had Kranenburg between 1312 and 1318 as a dowry from his wife Irmgard, daughter of Count Dietrichs VI./VIII. received from Kleve . In 1331 the district is still referred to as heerschape van Cranenborgh , from 1343 it is continuously called "Land Kranenburg". Since 1395 the terms "Land Kranenburg" and "Amt Kranenburg" have been used in irregular alternation. In addition to the town of Kranenburg, the country of the same name also included the towns of Frasselt , Nütterden , Zyfflich and Wyler .

After Gerhard von Horn's death in 1330, his son Dietrich succeeded him as lord of Kranenburg. When the old Grafenhaus died out with the death of his uncle, Count Johann von Kleve, in 1368, Dietrich tried to succeed him. However, he could not prevail against Adolf von der Mark and had to cede the Land of Kranenburg to him in 1370 in return for compensation. Since then, Kranenburg has remained united with the Klever territory. The attempt to connect the state of Kranenburg permanently with the central administrative district of the state of Kleve was given up again at the beginning of the 15th century. After 1473 the state of Kranenburg was constantly administered in personal union with the office of Düffel . Since the 16th century, the seat of the bailiffs was no longer the Kranenburg Palace, but the Germenseel House .

The personal union between the offices of Kranenburg and Düffel continued unchanged in the early modern period. Only with the administrative reforms under Frederick the Great in 1753 did the administrative structures change fundamentally; the office of Kranenburg was thus canceled.


  • Theodor Ilgen: Duchy of Kleve. I. Offices and courts , Bonn 1921.
  • Manuel Hagemann: Aspects of the historical topography of the city and Scheffentum Kranenburg , in: History in the tower. Catalog for the local history exhibition in the Mühlenturm Kranenburg, ed. v. Association for Heimatschutz 1922 eV Kranenburg, Kranenburg 2006, pp. 51–66.