State Association of Youth and Film Schleswig-Holstein

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The Landesverband Jugend und Film Schleswig-Holstein (LJF) promotes youth film work in Schleswig-Holstein .

The association creates school and extracurricular offers for young filmmakers up to the age of 27 and multipliers of film work as well as teachers. There are practical film seminars, advanced training in film analysis, film festivals, film project funding and the film tour on the go , an initiative founded in 1986 by filmmakers who tours the state and presents and discusses current productions from Schleswig-Holstein. Every year over 3,000 young people and around 100 teachers and multipliers of youth film work take part in the LJF's seminars, events and film competitions.

The LJF is a member of the Bundesverband Jugend und Film (BJF) , the Landesvereinigung Kulturelle Jugendbildung Schleswig-Holstein e. V. (LKJ) and the Kulturelle Filmförderung Schleswig-Holstein e. V. (KFF) .

The National Association Youth & Film Schleswig-Holstein is funded by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Health of the Land Schleswig-Holstein and the Filmwerkstatt keel of film funding Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein .

The LJF is run on a voluntary basis and has no full-time employees.


The LJF was founded in 1974 under the name of the State Working Group for Youth Film Work and Media Education (LAG Film) in order to promote the media skills of young people. At the beginning, the program was mainly determined by receptive media work, but in the course of time, practical film work also developed.

The founding members included Ulrich Ehlers , who was chairman of the LAG for over 30 years, and Hauke ​​Lange-Fuchs , artistic director of the Nordic Film Days Lübeck. At the suggestion of the then LJF board member Kurt Denzer , the Ministry of Culture provided project funding for the first time in 1984 for young film talent.

For his services to the film, chairman Ulrich Ehlers was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon in 2012.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ehler's Federal Cross of Merit