Landscape protection area, flowing waters and dry valleys

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Area of ​​clean digging in the LSG

The landscape protection area rivers and dry valleys is located in the urban area of Lichtenau in the Paderborn district . The landscape protection area (LSG) was designated in 2014 by the district council with the  Lichtenau landscape plan. The LSG partly borders directly on the Hochsauerlandkreis . The LSG consists of 13 sub-areas of very different area sizes. The LSG is located in the Teutoburg Forest / Eggegebirge nature park .


The LSG comprises the floodplains and lowlands of Altenau , the Odenheimer Bach , the Schmittwasser , the Emder Bach , the Piepenbach and the southwestern Sauer as well as their source and backwaters. In addition, the dry valleys of be clean trench , the bundle net trench , the Siebentals , the Minstals , the Ohmetals , the Böcker ground and Okentals in LSG protected.

The LSG is a richly structured, rural cultural landscape , which is characterized by a high proportion of grassland, riparian wood, tall herbaceous vegetation, orchards, rows of trees and hedges. Because of the karst rock , the streams are only temporarily water-bearing bodies of water. Most of the water in the protected area seeps into swallow holes and crevices .

In addition to many other regulations, it is forbidden in the LSG to impair orchards or to remove them without a permit. For the care of the orchards including the soil maintenance there is the possibility of funding within the framework of the cultural landscape program. When maintaining the rivers and ditches, the gravel banks, impact banks and other valuable river structures are to be preserved. Expanding neophytes should be removed by suitable measures, especially along bodies of water. Non-local trees, especially hybrid poplars and conifers, are replaced by local deciduous trees that are appropriate to the location within the framework of forestry use. Fish ponds in the LSG are to be dismantled or redesigned after the existing permit has expired in order to restore the ecological continuity of the flowing waters

The landscape plan writes about the value of the LSG: “The linear watercourses and dry valleys are of particular importance for the biotope network. The valley of the Odenheimer Bach, the Ohmetal, the Siebental, the southern part of the Reingraben and the Bundlereingraben are biotope network axes of outstanding importance. "

See also


  • Paderborn district: Landscape plan Lichtenau Paderborn 2014.

Web links

Commons : LSG rivers and dry valleys  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Paderborn district: Lichtenau landscape plan. Paderborn 2017 p. 70 ff

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