Long Anton

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As Langer Anton , born († 1596) as Anton Frank, the skeleton of the Riesenwüchsigen Anton de Franchepoinct / Franck Point is called. It is located in the Museum anatomicum in Marburg and has a length of 244 cm.

Anton Franckenpoint probably came from Geldern and served as a soldier in the body standard of the Protestant Duke Heinrich Julius of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (1564–1613). His date of birth is unknown, but according to anthropological studies it is estimated to be around 1544 to 1561.

In the faculty book of the University of Helmstedt it is noted that in 1596 the body of the tall Anton de Franchepoinct was skeletonized in anatomy.

In addition to the skeleton, there is an oil painting in the entrance hall of the Marburg Anatomical Institute, which shows "Tall Anton" as a Braunschweiger Landsknecht in life size and also comes from the Helmstedt collection.

The huge size was caused by an adenoma of the pituitary gland , which produced growth hormone . The expansion of the sella turcica caused by the adenoma can be seen on Tall Anton's skull. Anton Franckenpoint traveled around to exhibit himself and his body. In the last years of his life he must have suffered from the health consequences of the gigantic stature - his 1.70 m high crutch, but also degenerative changes in joints and spine, bear witness to this. In addition, Anton suffered two femoral neck fractures in the course of his life. Its two arms are no longer there, and the skull is only shown as a duplicate at exhibitions.

In June 2017, Lange Anton was awarded to the Germanic National Museum in Nuremberg for several months for an exhibition .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. 400-year-old 2.40-meter skeleton is moving , giessener-allgemeine.de of June 26, 2017