Laodike (daughter of Antiochus II)

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Laodike was a daughter of the Seleucid king Antiochus II and his wife Laodike . Her brother Seleukos II married her to Mithridates II of Pontus (around 245 BC). As a dowry she brought Phrygia into the marriage.


  • Neuer Pauly, Vol. 6, Col. 1128, Laodike [II 4].


  1. Her name Laodike is not proven by sources, but according to Stähelin (see Lit.) it is very plausible, since her mother and daughter were certainly called Laodike, while her sister was called Stratonike.
  2. Eusebius of Caesarea , Chronicle 1, 251 ed. Schöne
  3. Justin 38: 5, 3