Larry King Live

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Television broadcast
Original title Larry King Live
Country of production United States
Year (s) 1985-2010
Every day
genre Talk show
Moderation Larry King
First broadcast June 3, 1985 on CNN

Larry King Live was a talk show on the US news channel CNN , which was broadcast from June 3, 1985 to December 16, 2010 and was mainly recorded in Los Angeles .

The series was a nightly interview show on the US news channel CNN. Larry King was the producer and presenter . It was broadcast from a television studio in Los Angeles, and on special occasions in New York City and Washington, DC

The guests were mainly celebrities , politicians , musicians, actors or entrepreneurs . The moderator spoke to one or more people about current issues. The broadcast could be received worldwide. The duration of an edition of Larry King Live was a full hour usually including commercial breaks.

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