Lars Zender

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Lars Zender (2019)

Lars Zender (born May 28, 1975 in Hanover ) is a German hepatologist and oncologist . Zender studied at the Hannover Medical School (MHH), where he in 2002 with the work of adenoviral Molecular Mechanisms toxicity in the liver to Dr. med. received his doctorate. In the same year he received his license to practice medicine . He first worked as an assistant physician in the Gastroenterology and Hepatology MHH before 2004 as a postdoctoral fellow at Scott W. Lowe of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory went. In 2008 he received his own working group with the Emmy Noether Program at the Helmholtz Center for Infection Research in Hanover. At the same time he worked again as a doctor at the MHH, where he received his first professorship ( W1 ) for experimental gastrointestinal oncology in 2009 . Since 2010 he has also been a visiting professor at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. In 2012, Zender switched to a full professorship (W3) for gastrointestinal oncology at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen . Since 2016 he has been the medical director of the local internal clinic for clinical tumor biology and the department for physiology .

Scientifically, Zender is primarily concerned with the liver . He was able to decipher mechanisms that contribute to maintaining or restoring liver function. With the help of oncogenic RNA interference - screening he discovered multiple genes that inhibit tumors in the liver. He applied the developed method to the recovery of liver function after acute or chronic liver failure as an alternative to liver transplantation . The second research area is the elucidation of the role of cell senescence in the development of cancer. Zender was able to show that “switching on” senescence prevents the development of tumors from premalignant liver cells and thus represents an important protective mechanism.

Zender has received numerous awards for his research, including the Johann Georg Zimmermann Prize in 2011 , the Württemberg Cancer Prize (Dres. Bayer Foundation) and the German Cancer Prize in 2013 , the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize in 2014 and the Novartis Prize in 2015 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chronicle of the award winners since 1990 (PDF; 164 kB), accessed on April 25, 2019.
  2. Prize winners 2013. In: Retrieved September 29, 2017 .
  3. German Cancer Society awards the German Cancer Prize. In: March 21, 2013. Retrieved September 29, 2017 .
  4. DFG - German Research Foundation - Prof. Dr. Lars Zender - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize Winner 2014. In: March 11, 2014, accessed September 29, 2017 .
  5. Novartis Prize. In: Retrieved September 29, 2017 .