Laszlo Kornitzer

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Laszlo Kornitzer (also Lacy Kornitzer, born 1957 in Budapest ) is a Hungarian literary translator.


Laszlo Kornitzer fled communist Hungary at the age of twenty and has been working in Berlin ever since. He makes short films, publishes essays and, in 2006, directed the short story Verwischte Jungs by Péter Nádas in Berlin. Kornitzer translated works by Attila Bartis , Szilárd Borbély , György Dragomán , Imre Kertész , Péter Nádas, István Örkény , Alaine Polcz and László Végel from Hungarian into German .


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Individual evidence

  1. Jonathan Scheiner: Covered tracks. A story by Péter Nádas as a one-person piece in Berlin , review, in: Jüdische Allgemeine, September 14, 2006