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Latma ( Hebrew לאטמה; from Arabic لطمة, DMG laṭma  'blow, slap ') is a political group of cabaret artists from Israel.


Latma produces satire on everyday events in Israel and the world in Hebrew and has its own YouTube channel, where versions with English subtitles also run. Latma was founded as a counter-position to " left " currents and groups in Israel. Caroline Glick, one of the main characters and sponsor of the initiative, said in a statement to the Jerusalem Post that the group was founded to “take action against reporting in Israel that is clearly too left-wing” . According to the New York Times , Latma is "an initiative of the Center for Security Policy of a Washington think tank" .


Latma (as of 2011) consists of Tal Gil'ad (screenplay), Avishay Ivri, editor, directors Aviv and Yoni Karsutzki, webhosting boss Shlomo Blass, gag writers Noam Jacobson and Yehuda Safra and the actors. Shlomi Catz and Itay Elitzur also contributed.

Latma TV

The tribal update

Each weekly episode begins with the running gag “Welcome to the Tribal Update” (the name was chosen because critics of Israel often noted that Jews acted like a “tribe” among themselves, and that outsiders had no access to internal information .) The news anchors Ronit Shapira and Elchanan Even-Chen form the basic structure of every program and operate from the studio. Usually various supporting characters later in the studio (imitated by Noam Jacobson), such as left-wing journalists, a Palestinian " Minister for Uncontrollable Anger Tawil Fadiha" or an Iranian " Minister for Destruction Rashid Hamumani ".

Johann Phlegmat and the Swedish rainbow press

After the scandal of the Scandinavian magazine “ Aftonbladet ” in 2009 , in which a Swedish author claimed that Israel would harvest organs from shot Palestinians, LATMA produced a parody of the Abba song “Gimme Gimme Gimme a man after midnight” and instead sang “Primi Primi Primitiv” and phlegmatic .. “ In the LATMA version the (fictional) Swedish Foreign Minister sings about his incompetence and his phlegmatism. Swedish bloggers reacted promptly to the episode, both with humor and sometimes with anti-Semitic remarks. Latma website director Shlomo Blass said "We are amazed at how quickly the clip gained popularity, apparently we hit a sensitive nerve ..".

We Con the World

In 2010 Latma produced a video called We Con the World , in which they targeted the so-called "Peace Flotilla of Gaza". The video is a spoof of the well-known Michael Jackson song from 1985 "We are the World".

In July 2010, when the next flotilla was already being planned with the aim of breaking the sea blockade of Gaza City, LATMA released another video in which they parodied a Beach Boys oldie entitled “Fun Fun Fun” and instead "Guns Guns Guns" (creak, creak, creak) sang.

The Three Terrors

The Three Terrors was also produced in the summer of 2010 as the successor to the Flotilla spoof. It is about the "3 Terrors", which are based on the world-famous 3 tenors (Italian opera singers). Mahmud Ahmadinejad , Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Baschar al-Assad sing arias here, accompanied by a conductor, and explain how they want to rule the world under Sharia law "from Tennessee to Tehran."

More videos

In August 2010, Latma released a parody of the Tom Jones hit "Sex Bomb" called The Iranian Bomb , in which a fictional Iranian nuclear minister sings about his plans to enrich uranium and produce the atomic bomb. The purpose of this video was to attract the public's attention and warn about the dangers of Iran as a nuclear power.

Prizes and awards

  • Latma has already received the 2010 "Israel Media Watch Prize", which is only awarded to initiatives that contribute "high quality, profound and courageous criticism of the media landscape in Israel". Voting was done through an online vote in which more than 4000 votes were counted. According to "Israel Media Watch", Latma provides a "healthy counter-position to the often left-wing satire on the major television channels in Israel."

Similar broadcasts

  • Eretz Nehederet, a well-known Israeli satirical show.

Web links

Individual evidence
