Le Roc Rôti

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Le Roc Rôti (also called Rocher du Roc Rôti - German  "Bratenfels" ) of Saint-Saury is located between Roumégoux and Sousceyrac immediately north of the D 20 in the Cantal department in Auvergne in France .

Le Roc Rôti consists of two closely adjacent massive rocks of an outcrop , which show incisions or weathering marks in the upper area and have been Christianized by a metal cross .

A sign describes the bizarre rock tower as "Monument Mégalithe de la Préhistoire, menhir type". A postcard from 1907 with the title “Le Roc Rôti avec les reste d'enceinte druidique près St Saury Cantal” speaks of a druid enclosure .

A legend tells that in the time of the Gauls there lived a hermit nearby who offered animal sacrifices on the stones, where the name could come from.

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Coordinates: 44 ° 51 '53.2 "  N , 2 ° 9' 7.6"  E