Lech dl Dragon

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Lech dl Dragon
Lech Dragon quater.jpg
The Lech dl Dragon in 2005
Geographical location Municipality of Selva di Val Gardena in South Tyrol
Coordinates 46 ° 32 '5 "  N , 11 ° 48' 18"  E Coordinates: 46 ° 32 '5 "  N , 11 ° 48' 18"  E
Lech dl Dragon (South Tyrol)
Lech dl Dragon
Altitude above sea level 2680  m slm


Glacial lake

The Lech dl Dragon (German Drachensee ) is a glacier lake in the Sella group in South Tyrol that only exists temporarily . It is located at an altitude of 2680  m on the Val Gardena side in the municipality of Selva .

Natural history

The Lech dl Dragon is an ice reservoir or glacier edge lake . As such, the lake is not always present. It arises in the glacier in the step of the two-storey Sella massif (Mëisules plateau), which lies under the rubble of the upper storey of main dolomite . The lake disappeared in the 1970s and reappeared around 2003 to 2007. In 2009 the lake almost completely disappeared. The lake is colored turquoise by the glacier milk.

The glacier mass on the Meisules Plateau has been greatly reduced (see the photos of the lake from 1950 and 2004), but in 2011 a new formation of the lake about 300 m to the east could be observed. The new lake is larger than the older lake formation and the ice flank is twice as thick as that of 2005.

A few hundred meters to the east, a crater about 50 m wide was observed in the rubble. One flank of the crater consists of an approximately 8 m high ice wall. This crater is believed to be the precursor to a new lake.


The Ladin field name "Lech dl Dragon" is derived from the fact that one often heard eerie noises in Selva and on the alpine pastures on the Passo Gardena , which supposedly came from the lake. The natural phenomenon of the restless glacial lake was aetiologically explained in popular belief with quarreling kites flying in the sunset.


  • Giovanni Alton: Proverbi, tradizioni ed aneddoti delle valli ladine orientali, con versione italiana . Innsbruck 1881, p. 69 f.
  • I lec de Mëisules . Calënder de Gherdëina 1951, p. 62, Union di Ladins de Gherdëina Urtijei 1950.
  • Alex Moroder: Lech dl Dragon m. 2650 Za . Calënder de Gherdëina 2006, p. 122, Union di Ladins de Gherdëina Urtijëi 2005.
  • Elisabeth Kostner: L lech dl Dragon y la tueda dl permafrost sun Mëisules. . In: Union di Ladins de Gherdëina (ed.): Calënder de Gherdëina 2013 . , Urtijëi2012, p. 109.
  • Lukas Mussner: I dlacieres da purons y la geologia de Mëisules. . In: Union di Ladins de Gherdëina (ed.): Calënder de Gherdëina 2014 . , Urtijëi2013, pp. 54-59.

Web links

Commons : Lech dl Dragon  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Multi-disciplinary investigation of an active rock glacier in the Sella Group (Dolomites; Northern Italy) (PDF; 6.6 MB)
  2. I lec di Dragons on tell.at (databases on European ethnology / folklore) - accessed on May 10, 2010