Tobia ben Eliezer

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Tobiah ben Eliezer ( Heb. טוביה בן אליעזר) was probably from Greece , according to others from Magenza / Mainz originating in Kastoria acting Jewish scholar and poet of the 11th century and was especially as the author of a midrash -Sammlung to Torah and Megillot under the title Lekach tov ( לקח טוב“Good teaching”) - with these words from Prov. 4,2 the work begins - known.

The work was also handed down under the title Pesikta zuarta .


  • Salomon Buber (ed.): Lekach-Tob (Pesikta Sutarta). An Agadic commentary on the first and second books of Moses by R. Tobia ben Elieser. Wilna 1880, reprinted unpublished
  • JM Padwa (ed.): Midrash Leqah Tov ... al Hamisha Humshe Torah (Wajjiqra, Bemidbar, Devarim). Wilna 1880, reprinted unpublished

Literature (selection)