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The eagle kidnaps Ganymede (copy: Rome, Vatican)

Leochares ( Greek Λεοχάρης Leochárēs ) was a Greek sculptor at the time of Philip of Macedonia and Alexander the Great . He worked in Athens and belonged to the middle Attic school.

He made several statues of Zeus , images of Apollo and Ares , a Ganymede carried up by the eagle (which seems to have been copied in the well-known Vatican group, a work of ingenious invention), a young trader and a statue of the athlete Autolycus executed by the thirty tyrants which was later set up at the Prytaneion (City Hall) in Athens; also in community with Lysipp : Alexander on the lion hunt, in ore, then on order of Philip of Macedonia after the battle of Chaironeia the statues in the Philippeion at Olympia : Philip, Alexander, Amyntas, Olympias and Eurydice, in gold and ivory. Leochares is also attributed to the famous Apollo of Belvedere .

He was also busy with Sthennis at the monument of the family of Andates and Pasikles on the Acropolis of Athens, with Skopas , Bryaxis and others at the mausoleum of Halicarnassus , the western side of which he decorated with sculptures.

Plato mentions him in his "Thirteenth Letter" (which some scholars consider to be false) and calls him there a "young and capable artist". He bought a statue of Apollo from him on behalf of the tyrant Dionysius II , which he sent to the client in Syracuse.

Web links

Commons : Leochares  - collection of images, videos and audio files